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Dark web marketplace bites the dust after colossal DDoS attack

Dark web marketplace bites the dust after prodigious DDoS attack

(Image citation: Archive)

One of the mankind's largest dark web marketplaces for completely things cannabis has been permanently shut descending after a major shared self-renunciation of service (DDoS) attack kept the site offline for a prolonged time period.

In an official declaration, the operators of the Cannazon market said the DDoS attack wasn't the reason for the closing, but information technology presented an opportunity to close-fitting the website down, as was forever the plan.

"No market will be Here forever," the announcement reads. "We are officially retiring. The massive DDoS assault was a very good chance to lower the number of orders and we definite to keep the grocery store part offline afterwards. This is the rationality why the market was not reachable and non to the full utility in the last days. By this, we could ensure that the telephone number of orders was minimized and all paid orders were shipped."

Ganja marketplace

The site's bad performance in its final moments led to the community being droning with the talks of exit scamming. Cannazon's operators addressed this issue in the announcement as good, saying all sellers have been accounted for (Beaver State will be in the coming days).

"Entirely open orders have been finalized today, disputes get been deterministic and refunded eventually. Totally vendors are able-bodied to withdraw their money. If your most recent lodg is deferred, you can still contact your vendor connected the securities industry regarding this."

Those who failed to puzzle over all of their signed Bitcoin multisig transactions should look out for an encrypted message posted on Dread later in the week, the operators said.

Cannabis is however illegal in most parts of the world, and Cannazon's operators served only non-US customers. Users that craved to purchase cannabis-related products were required to register an bill best, and were healthy to pay for the goods either in Bitcoin or Monero cryptocurrencies.

When a major dark web marketplace shuts pile, new entrants oft emerge as a replacement. Some malicious actors try to make advantage of this power vacuum, creating counterfeit websites that only phish for information and distribute malware.

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Via Bleeping Computing device

Dark web marketplace bites the dust after colossal DDoS attack


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